Gülhane Askeri Tıp Fakültesi, 1985
Uzmanlık Eğitimi Aldığı Yer ve Yılı
Gülhane Askeri Tıp Fakültesi (Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları), 1992
Hacettepe Üniv. Tıp Fakültesi (Pediatrik Nefroloji ve Romatoloji), 2000
Mesleki Deneyim
GATA Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Uzmanı, 1998
Hacettepe Ünv.Tıp Fakültesi Pediatrik Nefroloji ve Pediatrik Romatoloji, 1998-2000
University of South Florida All Children's Hospital,USA Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment in Rheumatologicdiseases, 2002-2009
GATA Pediatrik Nefroloji ve Pediatrik Romatoloji BD Bşklığı, 2005-2012
GATA Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları AD.Başkanı, 2012-2016
Tıbbi İlgi Alanları
Juvenil İdyopatik Artrit
Konnektif Doku Hastalıkları
Sistemik Otoinflamatuar Hastalıklar
1.Gul, D., Sayli, BS., Gok, F., Gokçay, E., “IgA deficiency associated with growth hormone deficiency in a boy with short arm deletion of chromosome 18 (46,XY,18p-)”, Ann Genet., 37, 82-85,(1994)
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18.Gok F., Aydin HI., Kurt ı., Gokçay E., Maeda M., Kasahara M., “A Novel Mutation of Na+/glucose Cotransporter in a Turkish Newborn with Congenital Glucose- Galactose Malabsorption”,J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.2005 Apr;40(4):508-11.
19.Cengiz N, Uslu Y,Gok F ,Anarat A. Acute renal failure after over dose of colloidal bismuth subcitrate . Pediatr Nephrol 2005 Sep;20(9):1355-8 .
20.Sakallioglu O, Gok F, Kalman S, Gul D, Gokcay E. The phenotype-genotype correlations of FMF patients: a single center study. Rheumatol Int. 2006 May;26(7):638-40.
21.Yagci S, Kibar Y, Akay O, Kilic S, Erdemir F, Gok F, Dayanc M. The effect of biofeedback treatment on voiding and urodynamic parameters in children with voiding dysfunction. J Urol. 2005 Nov;174(5):1994-7.
22.Kalman S., Atay A.A., Sakallioglu O. Özgürtas T., GÖK F. Kurt I., Kürekçi A.E. , Özcan O., Gökçay E;”Renal tubular function in children with beta- thalassemia minor”, Nepherolog 2005;10, 427-429.
23.Sakallıoglu O, Gok F, Kalmnan S,Kürekçi AE, Günhan Ö, Gokçay E. Hepatitis B complicated focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. J Nephrol. 2005 Jul-Aug;18(4):433-5
24.FMF Study Group, “Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) in Turkey:The Results of a Nationwide Multicenter
25.Steele A, Jones OY, Gok F, Marikar Y, Steele P, Chamizo W, Scott M, Boucek RJ Jr. Stem-like cells traffic from heart ex vivo, expand in vitro, and can be transplanted in vivo. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2005 Nov;24(11):1930-9.
26.Demirkaya E, Atay AA, Musabak U, Sengul A, Gok F. Ceftriaxone-related hemolysis and acute renal failure. Pediatr Nephrol. 2006 May;21(5):733-6.
27.Calado J, Loeffler J, Sakallioglu O, Gok F, Lhotta K, Barata J, Rueff J. Familial renal glucosuria: SLC5A2 mutation analysis and evidence of salt-wasting. Kidney Int. 2006 Mar;69(5):852-5.
28.Ozen S, Bakkaloglu A, Dusunsel R, Soylemezoglu O, Ozaltin F, Poyrazoglu H, Kasapcopur O, Ozkaya O, Yalcinkaya F, Balat A, Kural N, Donmez O, Alpay H, Anarat A, Mir S, Gur-Guven A, Sonmez F, Gok F; Turkish Pediatric Vasculitis Study Group. Childhood vasculitidesin Turkey: a nationwide survey. Clin Rheumatol. 2007 Feb;26(2):196-200.
29.Sakallioglu O, Gok F, Kalman S, Atay AA, Kaya A, Duzova A, Gokcay E Minimal change nephropathy in a 7-year-old boy with Rosai- Dorfman disease.. J Nephrol. 2006 Mar-Apr;19(2):211-4.
30.Sakallioglu O, Gok F. Oligomeganephronia in Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome. Indian Pediatr. 2006 Oct;43(10):923-4.
31.Utsch B, Bökenkamp A, Benz MR, Besbas N, Dötsch J, Franke I, Fründ S, Gok F, Hoppe B, Karle S, Kuwertz-Bröking E, Laube G, Neb M, Nuutinen M, Ozaltin F, Rascher W, Ring T, Tasic V, van Wijk JA, Ludwig M. Novel OCRL1 mutations in patients with the
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32.Unay B, Akin R, Sarici SU, Gok F, Kurt I, Gokcay E. Evaluation of renal tubular function in children taking anti-epileptic treatmentNephrology (Carlton). 2006 Dec;11(6):485-8.
33.Kocaoglu M, Gok F, Kibar Y, Battal B Retroiliac ureters with bilateral testicular microlithiasis: simultaneous MDCT visualization of ureters and iliac arteries with biphasic contrast injection. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2007 Apr;188(4):W390-1.
34.Gok F, Ugur Y, Ozen S, Dagdeviren A. Pathogenesis-related adhesion molecules in Henoch-Schonlein vasculitis. Rheumatol Int. 2008 Feb;28(4):313-6.
35.Sakallioglu O, Hacihamdioglu B, Balamtekin N, Kalman S, Gok F. Idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia and renal involvement. Int Urol Nephrol Int Urol Nephrol. 2008;40(2):535-7.
36.Kibar Y, Demir E, Irkilata C, Ors O, Gok F, Dayanc M. Effect of biofeedback treatment on spinning top urethra in children with voiding dysfunction. Urology. 2007 Oct;70(4):781-4.
37.Dayanc M, Kibar Y, Irkilata HC, Gok F, Tahmaz L, Ors O, Akyol I. A new modification of dismembered pyeloplasty for primary ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Eur Surg Res. 2008;40(2):225-9.
38.Demirkaya E, Tunca Y, Gok F, Ozen S, Gul D. A very frequent mutation and remarkable association of R761H with M694V mutations in Turkish familial Mediterranean fever patients. Clin Rheumatol. 2008 Jun;27(6):729-32. 16
39.Erdeve O, Sarici SU, Sari E, Gok F. Oral-ibuprofen-induced acute renal failure in a preterm infant. Pediatr Nephrol. 2008
40.Sakallioglu O, Gok F, Kalman S, Gul D, Barutcu H, Cengiz N, Baskin E. Electronic microarray screening of podocin mutations: a single-center study. Int Urol Nephrol. 2008;40(4):1045-51
41.Gok F, Sari E, Erdogan O, Altun D, Babacan O.Familial Mediterranean fever and IgA nephropathy: case report and review of the literature. Clin Nephrol. 2008 Jul;70(1):62-4. Review.
42.Gok F, Chefetz I, Indelman M, Kocaoglu M, Sprecher E. Newly discovered mutations in the GALNT3 gene causing autosomal recessive hyperostosis-hyperphosphatemia syndrome. Acta Orthop. 2009 Feb;80(1):131-4.
43.Soylemezoglu O, Ozkaya O, Ozen S, Bakkaloglu A, Dusunsel R, Peru H, Cetinyurek A, Yildiz N, Donmez O, Buyan N, Mir S, Arisoy N, Gur-Guven A, Alpay H, Ekim M, Aksu N, Soylu A, Gok F, Poyrazoglu H, Sonmez F; Turkish Pediatric Vasculitis Study Group.Henoch-
Schönlein nephritis: a nationwide study. Nephron Clin Pract. 2009;112(3):c199-204.
44.Buyan N, Bilge I, Turkmen MA, Bayrakci U, Emre S, Fidan K, Baskin E, Gok F, Bas F, Bideci A. Post-transplant glucose status in 61 pediatric renal transplant recipients: Preliminary results of five Turkish pediatric nephrology centers Pediatr Transplant. 2009 Jun 2.
45.Gok F, Crettol LM, Alanay Y, Hacıhamdioglu B, Kocaoglu M, Bonafe L, Ozen S.Clinical and radiographic findings in two brothers affected with a novel mutation in matrix metalloproteinase 2 gene. Eur J Pediatr. 2009 Aug 4.
46.Management of Abnormal Postvoid Residual Urine in Children With Dysfunctional Voiding Kibar Y, Piskin M, Irkılata HC, Aydur E, Gok F, Dayanc M.Urology. 2009 Nov 4.
47.Akgun V, Kocaoglu M, Ilgan S, Dayanc M, Gok F, Bulakbasi N. Diuretic-induced renal length changes in the estimation of renal function with MR urography. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2010 Feb;194(2):W218-20.
48. Gok F, Mutlu FM, Sari E, Demirkaya E, Altinsoy HI, Bernd W.Congenital Absence of Salivary and Lacrimal Glands Accompanied by Growth and Development Retardation. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2010 May 2147;e1-3.
49.Gökçe I, Gökçe S, Kılıç A, Bozlar U, Kocaoglu M, Ongürü O, Gök F.Familial Mediteranean fever with protein-losing enteropathy due to constrictive pericarditis.World J Pediatr. 2011 Jan 5.
50.Demirkaya E, Ozen S, Bilginer Y, Ayaz NA, Makay BB, Unsal E, Erguven M, Poyrazoglu H, Kasapcopur O, Gok F, Akman S, Balat A, Cavkaytar O, Kaya B, Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Besbas N, Bakkaloglu A, Arisoy N, Ozdogan H, Bakkaloglu S, Turker T.The distribution of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the eastern Mediterranean: results from the registry of the Turkish Paediatric Rheumatology AssociationClin Exp Rheumatol. 2011 Jan-Feb;29(1):111-6. Epub 2011 Feb 23.
51.Yavuz, S. T.; Kartal, O.; Arga, M.; Gulec, M.; Gok, F.; Sener, O.; Sekerel, B. E., Features of school-age children with asthma according to aeroallergen sensitisation and risk factors for uncontrolled asthma, 2013, ALLERGY
52.Hacihamdioglu, DuyguOvunc; Zeybek, Cengiz; Musabak, Ugur; Turkbay, Tumer; Gok, Faysal, Renal Markers of Inflammation and Behavioral Changes in Children with Obesity-related Hypertension, 2013, PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
53.Hacihamdioglu, Duygu Ovunc; Besbas, Nesrin; Alehan, Dursun; Oguz, Berna; Ozaltin, Fatih; Duzova, Ali; Ozen, Seza; Topaloglu Rezan; Gok, Faysal, The Effect Of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 On Left Ventricular Function In Peritoneal Dialysis Children, 2013,
54.Martin, Martin G.; Lindberg, Iris; Solorzano-Vargas, R. Sergio; Wang, Jiafang; Avitzur, Yaron; Bandsma, Robert; Sokollik, Christiane; Lawrence, Sarah; Pickett, Lindsay A.; Chen, Zijun; Egritas, Odul; Dalgic, Buket; Albornoz, Valeria; de Ridder, Lissy; Hulst, Jessie; Gok,
Faysal; Aydogan, Aysen; Al-Hussaini, Abdulrahman; Gok, Deniz Engin; Yourshaw, Michael; Wu, S. Vincent; Cortina, Galen; Stanford, Sara; Georgia, Senta, Congenital Proprotein Convertase 1/3 Deficiency Causes Malabsorptive Diarrhea and Other Endocrinopathies in a Pediatric Cohort, 2013, GASTROENTEROLOGY
55.Hacihamdioglu, Duygu Ovunc; Fidanci, Kursat; Besbas, Nesrin; Gok, Faysal; Topaloglu, Rezan, QT and JT dispersion and cardiac performance in patients with Bartter's and Gitelman's disease, 2012, PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
56.Kalman, Suleyman; Sakallioglu, Onur; Dogru, Ilker; Gul, Davut; Gok, Faysal, Effect of Genotype on Plasma and Urinary Adrenomedullin Levels in Children with Familial Mediterranean Fever, 2012, TURKIYE KLINIKLERI TIP BILIMLERI DERGISI
57.Hacihamdioglu DO, Fidanci K, Kilic A, Gok F, Topaloglu R. , QT and JT dispersion and cardiac performance in children with neonatal Bartter syndrome: a pilot study, 2014, PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
58.Zeybek, Cengiz; Safali, Mukerrem; Kesik, Vural; Kalman, Suleyman; Gok, Faysal, CYSTIC VARIANT OF WILMS TUMOR PRESENTING WITH URETERAL EXTENSION, 2012, PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
60.Aydin, Halil Ibrahim; Zeybek, Cengiz; Creemers, John W.; Hacihamdioglu, Duygu Ovunc; Kalman, Suleyman; Gok, Faysal, NOVEL DELETION IN HYPOTONIA-CYSTINURIA SYNDROME, 2012, PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
61.Hacihamdioglu, Duygu Ovunc; Ozaltin, Fatih; Zeybek, Cengiz; Kalman, Suleyman; Demirkaya, Erkan; Gok, Faysal, THE BENEFITS OF CYCLOSPORINE TREATMENT OF THE PATIENT WITH NPHS2 MUTATION, 2012, PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
62.Kalkan, Gokhan; Demirkaya, Erkan; Acikel, Cengiz Han; Polat, Adem; Peru, Harun; Karaoglu, Abdulbaki; Sari, Erkan; Dursun, Ismail; Gok, Faysal; Ozen, Seza, Evaluation of the current disease severity scores in paediatric FMF: is it necessary to develop a new one?,2012, RHEUMATOLOGY
63.Akgun V1, Kocaoglu M, Ilgan S, Dayanc M, Gok F, Bulakbasi N., Diuretic-induced renal length changes in the estimation of renal function with MR urography, 2010, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY
64.Trautmann A, Bodria M, Ozaltin F, Gheisari A, Melk A, Azocar M, Anarat A,Caliskan S, Emma F, Gellermann J, Oh J, Baskin E, Ksiazek J, Remuzzi G, Erdogan O, Akman S, Dusek J, Davitaia T, Özkaya O, Papachristou F, Firszt-Adamczyk A, Urasinski T, Testa S, Krmar RT, Hyla-Klekot L, Pasini A, Özcakar ZB, Sallay P, Cakar N, Galanti M, Terzic J, Aoun B, Caldas Afonso A, Szymanik-Grzelak H, Lipska BS, Schnaidt S, Schaefer F; PodoNet Consortium., Spectrum of steroid-resistant and congenital nephrotic syndrome in children: the PodoNet registry cohort., 2015, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
65.Sadowski CE, Lovric S, Ashraf S, Pabst WL, Gee HY, Kohl S, Engelmann S, Vega-Warner V, Fang H, Halbritter J, Somers MJ, Tan W, Shril S, Fessi I, Lifton RP, Bockenhauer D, El-Desoky S, Kari JA, Zenker M, Kemper MJ, Mueller D, Fathy HM, Soliman NA; SRNS Study Group, Hildebrandt F., A single-gene cause in 29.5% of cases of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome., 2015, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
66.Lovric S, Fang H, Vega-Warner V, Sadowski CE, Gee HY, Halbritter J, Ashraf S, Saisawat P, Soliman NA, Kari JA, Otto EA,Hildebrandt F; Nephrotic syndrome Study Group., Nephrotic Syndrome Study Group. Rapid detection of monogenic causes of childhood-onset steroid-resistant
nephrotic syndrome, 2014, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
67.Hacihamdioglu, Duygu Ovunc; Fidanci, Kursat; Kilic, Ayhan; Gok, Faysal; Topaloglu, Rezan, QT and JT dispersion and cardiac performance in children with neonatal Bartter syndrome: a pilot study, 2013, PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
68.Lipska, Beata S.; Iatropoulos, Paraskevas; Maranta, Ramona; Caridi, Gianluca; Ozaltin, Fatih; Anarat, Ali; Balat, Ayse; Gellermann, Jutta; Trautmann, Agnes; Erdogan, Ozlem; Saeed, Bassam; Emre, Sevinc; Bogdanovic, Radovan; Azocar, Marta; Balasz-Chmielewska, Irena; Benetti, Elisa; Caliskan, Salim; Mir, Sevgi; Melk, Anette; Ertan, Pelin; Baskin, Esra; Jardim, Helena; Davitaia, Tinatin; Wasilewska, Anna; Drozdz, Dorota; Szczepanska, Maria; Jankauskiene, Augustina; Serna Higuita, Lina Maria; Ardissino, Gianluigi; Ozkaya, Ozan; Kuzma-Mroczkowska, Elzbieta; Soylemezoglu, Oguz; Ranchin, Bruno; Medynska, Anna; Tkaczyk, Marcin; Peco-Antic, Amira; Akil, Ipek; Jarmolinski, Tomasz; Firszt-Adamczyk, Agnieszka; Dusek, Jiri; Simonetti, Giacomo D.; Gok, Faysal; Gheissari, Alaleh; Emma, Francesco;Krmar, Rafael T.; Fischbach, Michel; Printza, Nikoleta; Simkova, Eva; Mele, Caterina; Ghiggeri, Gian Marco; Schaefer, Franz, Genetic
screening in adolescents with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, 2013, KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL
69.Hacihamdioglu, Duygu Ovunc; Zeybek, Cengiz; Aydin, Halil Ibrahim; Kalman, Suleyman; Demirkaya, Erkan; Gok, Faysal, CYSTINOSIS COMPLICATED WITH NEPHROTIC RANGE PROTEINURIA IN TWO CASES, 2012, PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
70.Fidanci K, Gulgun M, Demirkaya E, Acikel C, Kilic A, Gok F, Ozen S.Assessment of autonomic functions in children with familial Mediterranean fever by using heart rate variability measurements. Int J Rheum Dis. 2014 May 24. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.12401.
71.Ozen S, Demirkaya E, Duzova A, Erdogan O, Erken E, Gul A, Kasapcopur O, Kasifoglu T, Kisacik B, Ozdogan H, Tunca M, Acikel C; FMF Arthritis Vasculitis and Orphan disease Research in pediatric rheumatology (FAVOR) and Turkish FMF study group. FMF50: a score for assessing outcome in familial Mediterranean fever. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 May;73(5):897-901.
72.Lipska BS, Ranchin B, Iatropoulos P, Gellermann J, Melk A, Ozaltin F, Caridi G, Seeman T, Tory K, Jankauskiene A, Zurowska A, Szczepanska M, Wasilewska A, Harambat J, Trautmann A, Peco-Antic A, Borzecka H, Moczulska A, Saeed B, Bogdanovic R, Kalyoncu M, Simkova E, Erdogan O, Vrljicak K, Teixeira A, Azocar M, Schaefer F; PodoNet Consortium.Genotype-phenotype associations in WT1 glomerulopathy. Kidney Int. 2014 May;85(5):1169-78.
73.Hacihamdioglu DO, Demiriz M, Sobaci G, Kocaoglu M, Demirkaya E, Gok F. Cerebral vein thrombosis in a four year old with Behçet's disease. Reumatol Clin. 2014 Jul-Aug;10(4):254-6.
74.Dayanc MM, Kibar Y, Irkilata HC, Sancaktutar AA, Ebiloglu T, Gur A, Ergin G, Alp BF, Gok F. Effect of Voided Volume on Voiding Patterns and Reliability of Uroflowmetry-Electromyography Results in Children with Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction. Low Urin Tract Symptoms. 2017 Jan;9(1):46-51.
75.Zeybek C, Basbozkurt G, Hamcan S, Ozcan A, Gul D, Gok F. Collapsing Glomerulopathy in a Child with Galloway-Mowat Syndrome. Case Rep Nephrol. 2016;2016:4386291.
76.Polat A, Acikel C, Sozeri B, Dursun I, Kasapcopur O, Gulez N, Simsek D, Saldir M, Dokurel I, Poyrazoglu H, Bakkaloglu S, Delibas A, Ekinci Z, Ayaz NA, Kandur Y, Peru H, Kurt YG, Polat SR, Unsal E, Makay B, Gok F, Ozen S, Demirkaya E; FMF Arthritis Vasculitis and Orphan Disease Research in Pediatric Rheumatology (FAVOR)..Comparison of the efficacy of once- and twice-daily colchicine dosage in pediatric patients with familial Mediterranean fever--a randomized controlled noninferiority trial.Arthritis Res Ther. 2016 Apr 7;18:85.
77.Övünç Hacıhamdioğlu D, Zeybek C, Gök F, Pekel A, Muşabak U. Elevated Urinary T Helper 1 Chemokine Levels in Newly Diagnosed Hypertensive Obese Children J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2015 Sep;7(3):175-82.
78.Yumusak E, Mutlu FM, Gok F. An Unusual Cause of Pseudopapillary Oedema: Hyperphosphatemic Hyperostosis Syndrome. Ophthalmic Genet. 2016 Jun;37(2):238-41.
79.Yesilkaya S, Acikel C, Fidanci BE, Polat A, Sozeri B, Ayaz NA, Makay BB, Simsek D, Akinci N, Özçelik G, Kavukçu S, Emre S, Donmez O, Delibas A, Yüksel S, Berdeli A, Poyrazoglu H, Saldir M, Fidanci K, Çakar N, Peru H, Bakkaloglu S, Tabel Y, Sari O, Aydogan U, Ozenc S, Basbozkurt G, Unsal E, Kasapcopur Ö, Gok F, Ozen S, Demirkaya E; FMF Arthritis Vasculitis and Orphan disease Research in Paediatric Rheumatology (FAVOR).Development of a medication adherence scale for familial Mediterranean fever (MASIF) in a cohort of Turkish children. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2015 Nov-Dec;33(6 Suppl 94):S156-62.
80.Battal B, Kocaoğlu M, Akgün V, İnce S, Gök F, Taşar M. Split-bolus MR urography: synchronous visualization of obstructing vessels and collecting system in children. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2015 Nov-Dec;21(6):498-502
81.Hacıhamdioğlu DÖ, Kalman S, Gök F. Long-term results of children diagnosed with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome; single center experience. Turk Pediatri Ars. 2015 Mar 1;50(1):37-44.
82.Korkmaz E, Lipska-Ziętkiewicz BS, Boyer O, Gribouval O, Fourrage C, Tabatabaei M, Schnaidt S, Gucer S, Kaymaz F, Arici M, Dinckan A, Mir S, Bayazit AK, Emre S, Balat A, Rees L, Shroff R, Bergmann C, Mourani C, Antignac C, Ozaltin F, Schaefer F; PodoNet Consortium.ADCK4-Associated Glomerulopathy Causes Adolescence-Onset FSGS. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Jan;27(1):63-8.
83.Hacihamdioglu B, Arslan M, Yeşilkaya E, Gok F, Yavuz ST Wider neck circumference is related to severe asthma in children. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2015 Aug;26(5):456-60.
84.Zeybek C, Basbozkurt G, Gul D, Demirkaya E, Gok F. A new mutation in blau syndrome. Case Rep Rheumatol. 2015;2015:463959.
85.Dayanc MM, Kibar Y, Irkilata HC, Sancaktutar AA, Ebiloglu T, Gur A, Ergin G, Alp BF, Gok F. Effect of Voided Volume on Voiding Patterns and Reliability of Uroflowmetry-Electromyography Results in Children with Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction. Low Urin Tract Symptoms. 2017 Jan;9(1):46-51. doi: 10.1111/luts.12108. Epub 2015 Jul 22.
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