Bilimsel Yayınlar
1. Beskonakli E, Kaptanoglu E, Okutan O, Solaroglu I, Taskin Y. “Extra-Axial Cavernomas of the Cerebellopontine Angle Involving The Seventh-Eight Nerve Complex.” Neurosurg Rev, 25, 222-224 (2002).
2. Solaroglu I, Kaptanoglu E, Okutan O, Beskonakli E. “Solitary Extra-Axial Posterior Fossa Abscess Due to Neurobrucellosis: A Case Report.” J Clin Neurosci, 10, 710-712 (2003).
3. Kaptanoglu, E., E. Beskonakli, O. Okutan, S. Surucu ve Y. Taskın, “Effect of Magnesium Sulphate In Experimental Spinal Cord Injury: Evaluation With Ultrastructural Findings And Early Clinical Results,” J Clin Neurosci, 10,329-334 (2003).
4. Ozisik, K., E. Kaptanoglu, O. Okutan, K. Dural ve E. Beskonakli, “Pott’s Disease After Heart Transplantation : A Case Report,” Transplantation Proceedings, 35, 1543-1545 (2003).
5. Kaptanoglu, E., O. Okutan, I. Tekdemir, E. Beşkonaklı ve H. Deda, “Closed posterior superior iliac spine impeding pediculocorpereal S1 screw insertion,” J Neurosurg (Spine 2),99, 229-234 (2003).
6. Solaroglu I, Okutan O, Solaroglu A, Kaptanoglu E, Beskonakli E, Kilinc K. “Maternal Treatment With Propofol Attenuates Lipid Peroxidation After Transient Intrauterine Ischemia in the Neonatal Rat Brain.” Biol Neonate, 85, 221-224 (2004).
7. Yildirim E, Solaroglu I, Okutan O, Ozisik K, Kaptanoglu E, Sargon MF, Sakinci U. “Ultrastructural Changes in Tracheo-Bronchial Epithelia Following Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats: Protective Effect Of Erythropoietin.” J Heart Lung Transplant, 23,1423-1429 (2004).
8. Okutan O, Kaptanoglu E, Solaroglu I, Beskonakli E, Tekdemir I. “Determination of the Length of Anteromedial Screw Trajectory by Measuring Interforaminal Distance in the First Sacral Vertebra.” Spine, 29, 1608-1611 (2004).
9. Solaroglu I, Beskonakli E, Kaptanoglu E, Okutan O, Ak F, Taskin Y. “Transcortical-Transventricular Approach in Colloid Cysts of the third Ventricle: Surgical Experience with 26 Cases.” Neurosurg Rev, 27, 89-92 (2004).
10. Kaptanoglu E, Akbiyik F, Okutan O, Solaroglu I, Kilinc A, Beskonakli E. “Correlation of Injury Severity and Tissue Evans Blue Content, Lipid Peroxidation and Clinical Evaluation in Acute Spinal Cord Injury in Rats.” J Clin Neurosci, 11, 879-885 (2004).
11. Yildirim, E., E. Kaptanoglu, K. Ozisik, E. Beskonakli, O. Okutan, MF. Sargon, K. Kilinc ve U. Sakinci, “Ultrastructural changes in pneumocyte type II cells following traumatic brain injury in rats,” Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 25, 523-529 (2004).
12. Kaptanoglu E, Solaroglu I, Okutan O, Surucu HS, Akbiyik F, Beskonakli E. “Erythropoietin Exerts Neuroprotection after Acute Spinal Cord Injury in Rats: Effect On Lipid Peroxidation and Early Ultrastructural Findings.” Neurosurg Rev, 27, 113-120 (2004).
13. Solaroglu, I, Okutan O, Beskonakli E.“Foraminal Migration of a Lumboperitoneal Shunt-Catheter Tip: A Case Report.” J Clin Neurosci, 12, 957-959 (2005).
14. Turkoglu, OF., H. Eroglu, O. Okutan, E. Burul, MF. Sargon, N. Ozer, L. Oner ve E. Beskonakli, “The efficiency of dexamethasone sodium phosphate-encapsulated chitosan microspheres after cold injury,” Surg Neurol,64 (Suppl 2), S11-16 (2005).
15. Solaroglu, I., Kaptanoglu E, Okutan O, Beskonakli E. “Unilateral Proptosis due to Ectopic Lacrimal Gland of the Orbit: A Case Report.” J Neurosurg, 103, 289-291 (2005).
16. Solaroglu, I., Kaptanoglu E, Okutan O, Beskonakli E, Attar A, Kilinc K. “Magnesium Sulphate Treatment Decreases Caspase-3 Activity after Experimental Spinal Cord Injury in Rats.” Surg Neurol, 64, S17-21 (2005).
17. Solaroglu, I., Okutan O, Kaptanoglu E, Beskonakli E, Kilinc K. “Increased Xanthine Oxidase Activity after Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats.” J Clin Neurosci, 12, 273-275 (2005).
18. Okutan, O., Solaroglu I, Kaptanoglu E, Beskonakli E. “Intracranial Metastasis of the Lung Adenocarcinoma Mimicking Colloid Cyst of the Third Ventricle: A Case Report.” J Clin Neurosci, 13, 487-489 (2006).
19. Ozisik, K., E. Yildirim, M. Emir, S. Kaplan, V. Bakuy, O. Okutan, MF. Sargon, B. Kocer ve H. Aydin, “Erythropoietin Exerts Myocardial Protection After Brain Injury in Rats: Effect on Ultrastructural Findings,” Chirurgia, 19, 19-23 (2006).
20. Okutan, O., Solaroglu I, Beskonakli E, Taskin Y. “Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Decreases Myeloperoxidase and Caspase-3 Activity and Improves Early Functional Results After Spinal Cord Injury in Rats.” J Clin Neurosci, 14, 364-368 (2007).
21. Gok HB, Solaroglu I, Okutan O, Cimen B, Kaptanoglu E, Palaoglu S. “Metoprolol Treatment Decreases Tissue Myeloperoxidase Activity after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats.” J Clin Neurosci, 14, 138-142 (2007).
22. Gok, B., O. Okutan, E. Beskonakli, S. Palaoglu, H. Erdamar ve MF. Sargon, “Effect of Immunomodulation With Human Interferon-ßon Early Functional Recovery From Experimental Spinal Cord Injury,” Spine, 32, 873-880 (2007).
23. Gok, B., O. Okutan, E. Beskonakli ve K. Kilinc, “Effects of magnesium sulphate following spinal cord injury in rats,” Chin J Physiol, 50, 93-97 (2007).
24. Turkoglu, OF., H. Eroglu, O. Okutan, MK. Tun, E. Bodur, MF. Sargon, L. Oner ve E. Beskonakli, “A comparative study of treatment for brain edema: Magnesium sulphate versus dexamethasone sodium phosphate,” J Clin Neurosci, 15, 60-65 (2008).
25. Okutan, O., OF. Turkoglu, HB. Gok ve E. Beskonakli, “Neuroprotective effect of erythropoietin following experimental cold injury induced vasogenic brain edema in rats,” Surg Neurol, 70, 498-502 (2008).
26. Tun, K., RC. Celikmez, O. Okutan, O. Gurcan ve E. Beskonakli, “Dermoid tumour of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus,” J Clin Neurosci 15, 820-823 (2008).
27. Turkoglu, OF., H. Eroglu, O. Okutan, O Gurcan, E. Bodur, MF. Sargon, L. Oner ve E. Beskonakli, “Atorvastatin efficiency after traumatic brain injury in rats,” Surg Neurol, 146 (2009).
28. Solaroğlu, I., O. Okutan, M. Karakuş, B. Saygili ve E. Beşkonakli, “Dysphagia due to diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis of the cervical spine,” Turk Neurosurg, 18, 409-411 (2008).
29. Gok, B., DM. Sciubba, O. Okutan, E. Beskonakli, S. Palaoglu, H. Erdamar ve MF. Sargon,” Immunomodulation of acute experimental spinal cord injury with human immunoglobulin G,” J Clin Neurosci, 16, 549-553 (2009).
30. Solaroglu I, Okutan O, Beskonakli E. The ATA and its surgical importance: A newly described ligament lying between the dural sac and the ligamentum flavum at the L5 level.” Spine (Phila Pa 1976),15;36(16):1268-72 (2011)
31. Tan S, Kurt A, Okutan O, Keskin S. “CT findings of a thoracic vertebral hemangioma presenting with acute neurological symptoms.” Turk Neurosurg, 21,113-5 (2011)
32. Okutan O, Yıldırım T, Işık S. “Thoracic Vertebral Hemangioma Causing Paraplegia in Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome: Case Report” Turk Neurosurg, Basımda
1. Akyazı, B., F. Şirin, Ö. Okutan, E. Paşaoğlu ve S. Koparal, “Poliostotik Fibröz Displazi: Direkt Grafi ve BT Bulguları,” Ankara Numune Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi, 39, 78-81 (1999-2000).
2. Kaptanoğlu, E., İ. Solaroğlu, D. Uçar, O. Okutan, E. Beşkonaklı ve Y. Taşkın, “Akut Subdural Hematomlar: 73 Vakanın Retrospektif İncelenmesi”, Ulus Travma Derg, 7, 246-249 (2001).
3. Kaptan, Z., İ. Solaroğlu, E. Kaptanoğlu, U. Bostancı ve O. Okutan, “Konjenital Kalp Hastalıkları İle İlişkili Beyin Abseleri”, NM Kardioloji, 8, 467-469 (2001).
4. Kaptanoğlu, E., O. Okutan, İ. Solaroğlu, E. Beşkonaklı, A. Çakır ve Y. Taşkın, “Spontan Serebellar Hematomlarda Prognostik Faktörler”, İnsizyon, 5, 12-16 (2002).
5. Kaptanoğlu, E., Ö. Okutan ve Y. Taşkın, “Nöroşirürjide Konsültasyon,” Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi, 12, 273-277 (2002).
6. Kaptanoğlu, E., Ö. Okutan, L. Albayrak ve E. Beşkonaklı, “Lomber Disk Herniasyonunu Taklit Eden Eozinofilik Granulom: Olgu Sunumu,” Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 55, 171-174 (2002).
7. Okutan, O., E. Kaptanoğlu, İ. Solaroğlu, E. Beşkonaklı, Y. Taşkın, A. Doğan, “Spontan Supratentorial İntraparenkimal Hematomlarda Prognostik Faktörler”, İnsizyon, 5, 206-210 (2002).
8. Solaroğlu, İ., E. Kaptanoğlu, O. Okutan, E. Beşkonaklı ve Y. Taşkın, “The Prognostic Value of Initial Computed Tomographic Findings in Patients with Traumatic Acute Subdural Hematoma”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 12, 89-94 (2002).
9. Kaptanoğlu, E., İ. Solaroğlu, O. Okutan ve E. Beşkonaklı, “Lateral Orbital Approach to Intraorbital Lesions”, J Ankara Med School, 24,177-182 (2002).
10. Gok, B., E. Kaptanoglu, I. Solaroglu, O. Okutan ve E. Beskonakli, “Intrasellar Arachnoid Cyst: A Case Report”, Neuroanatomy, 2, 22-24 (2003)
11. Solaroğlu, İ., E. Kaptanoğlu, O. Okutan, E. Beşkonaklı ve Y. Taşkın, “Outcome of Surgical Management of 347 Intracranial Aneurysms in 305 Cases”, Türk Serebrovasküler Hastalıklar Dergisi, 9, 57-61 (2003).
12. Kaptanoğlu, E., E. Beşkonaklı, Ö. Okutanve Y. Taşkın, “Tethered Spinal Cord, Diastomatomyelia, and Terminal Syringomyelia in an Adult,” Turkish Neurosurgery, 13, 42-46 (2003).
13. Okutan, O., K. Tun, İ. Solaroğlu ve E. Beşkonaklı, “Persistent Primitive Trigeminal Artery Associated with Anterior Choroidal Artery Aneurysm: A Case Illustration”, Türk Serebrovasküler Hastalıklar Dergisi, 9, 93-95 (2003)
14. Okutan, O., E. Kaptanoglu, I. Solaroglu,E. Beskonakli ve I. Tekdemir, “Pedicle Morphology of the First Sacral Vertebra”, Neuroanatomy, 2, 16-19 (2003).
15. Tun, K., O. Okutan, E. Kaptanoglu, B. Gok, I. Solaroglu ve E. Beskonakli, “Inverted Hypertrophy of Occipital Condyles Associated with Atlantooccipital Fusion and Basilar Invagination: A Case Report”, Neuroanatomy,3, 43-45 (2004).
16. Beşkonaklı, E., F. Ak, İ. Solaroğlu, O. Okutan ve E. Kaptanoğlu, “The Guillian-Barre Syndrome after Lumbar Disc Surgery: A Case Report”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 14, 109-111 (2004).
17. Okutan, O., E. Kaptanoğlu, E. Göçmen, İ. Solaroğlu, E. Beşkonaklı ve M. Koç, “Metastasis of Follicular Carcinoma of the Thyroid to the Lumbar Vertebrae: A Case Report”, Turkish Neurosurgery, 15, 32-35 (2005).
18. Tun, K., ÖF. Türkoğlu, Ö. Okutan, Ş. Yeşilkılıç, E. Beşkonaklı ve Ö. Özen, “Genç Erişkin Hastada Eozinofilik Granülom: Vaka Sunumu,” J Neurol Sci (Turkish), 22, 421-424 (2005).
19. Tun, K., ÖF. Türkoğlu, O. Okutan, O. Gürcan, RC. Çelikmez ve E. Beşkonaklı, “Foot Drop as a Result of Bilateral Parasagittal Meningioma: A Case Report,” Turkish Neurosurgery, 16, 94-96 (2006)
20. Solaroğlu, İ., E. Kaptanoğlu, O. Okutanve E. Beşkonaklı, “Multiple Isolated Spinous Process Fracture (Clay-Shoveler’s Fracture) of Cervical Spine: A Case Report”, Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg, 13, 162-164 (2007).
21. Işık, S., Ö. Okutan, B. Saygılı ve İ. Solaroğlu, “Periferik Sinir Kılıfı Tümörleri,” Türkiye Klinikleri J Neurosurg-Special Topics, 3, 53-58 (2010)