Bilimsel Yayınlar
1. Cytokine storm in COVID-19: pathogenesis and overview of anti-inflammatory agents used in treatment. M Soy, G Keser, P Atagündüz, F Tabak, I Atagündüz, S Kayhan Clinical Rheumatology 2, 4. 2020.
2. Arterial stiffness measured via carotid femoral pulse wave velocity is associated with disease severity in COPD. H Cinarka, S Kayhan, A Gumus, ME Durakoglugil, T Erdogan, I Ezberci, Respiratory care 59 (2), 274-280. 2014.
3. The Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Blood Pressure and Hypertension A Gumus, S Kayhan, H Cinarka, U Sahin. 2013.
4. Effects of leflunomide on inflamation and fibrosis in bleomycine induced pulmonary fibrosis in wistar albino rats. S Kayhan, A Guzel, L Duran, S Tutuncu, A Guzel, M Gunaydın, O Salis, ... Journal of thoracic disease 5 (5), 641. 2013.
5. Prevalence of asthma and respiratory symptoms by age, gender and smoking behaviour in Samsun, North Anatolia Turkey. H Hamzacebi, M Unsal, S Kayhan, S Bilgin, S Ercan Tuberkuloz ve Toraks Dengisi 54, 322-9. 2006.
6. Histopatolojik Olarak Tanı Konulan Komplike Akciğer Kist Hidatik Olguları.S Kayhan, A Akgüneş Turkiye Parazitol Derg 35, 189-93. 2011.
7. Prevalence of occupational asthma and respiratory symptoms in foundry workers. S Kayhan, U Tutar, H Cinarka, A Gumus, N Koksal. Pulmonary medicine 2013 (1), 370138. 2013.
8. Combination and comparison of two models in prognosis of pulmonary embolism: results from TUrkey Pulmonary Embolism Group (TUPEG) study. S Ozsu, T Ozlu, A Şentürk, EY Uçar, G Kırkıl, EE Kadıoğlu, B Altınsoy, Thrombosis research 133 (6), 1006-1010. 2014.
9. High Serum YKL-40 Level in Patients with COPD Is Related to Hypoxemia and Disease Severity. A Gumus, S Kayhan, H Cinarka, A Kirbas, N Bulmus, U Sahin, S Ozkaya. Tohoku J Exp Med 229 (2), 163-70. 2013.
10. Plasma viscosity levels in pulmonary thromboembolism. AG Atici, S Kayhan, D Aydin, YA Yilmaz. Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation, [Epub ahead of print]. 2012.
11. The prognostic values of GDF-15 in comparison with NT-proBNP in patients with normotensive acute pulmonary embolism. L Duran, S Kayhan, A Guzel, M Ince, C Kati, HU Akdemir, Y Yavuz, Clin Lab 60 (8), 1365-1371. 2014
12. Pulmonary Fibrosis Due to COVID-19 Pneumonia. S Kayhan, E Kocakoc. Korean J Radiol 21 (e108), jul17. 2020.
13. The relationship between cigarette smoking and obesity. A Gümüş, S Kayhan, H Çinarka, S Baydur, D Gıakoup, Ü Şahin. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 30 (4), 311-315. 2013.
14. Therapeutic monitoring of isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide serum levels in the treatment of active pulmonary tuberculosis and determinants of their serum …S Kayhan, A Akgunes. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 5 (17), 2035-2041. 2011.
15. Copeptin: a new predictor for severe obstructive sleep apnea. H Çınarka, S Kayhan, M Karataş, A Yavuz, A Gümüş, S Özyurt, MC Cüre, .therapeutics and clinical risk management 11, 589-594. 2015.
16. Prognostic importance of central thrombus in hemodynamically stable patients with pulmonary embolism. A Senturk, S Ozsu, S Duru, E Cakır, SS Ulaslı, E Demirdogen, S Kayhan, Cardiology Journal 24 (5), 508-514. 2017.
17. Cerebral fat embolism syndrome after long bone fracture due to gunshot injury. L Duran, S Kayhan, C Kati, HU Akdemir, K Balci, Y Yavuz. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine: Peer-reviewed, Official. 2014.
18. The clinical utility of pleural YKL-40 levels in diagnosing pleural effusions. S Kayhan, A Gumus, H Cinarka, N Murat, A Yilmaz, R Bedir, U Sahin. Journal of Thoracic Disease 5 (5). 2013..
19. Recurrence following pulmonary hydatid disease surgery. M Sokouti, SEJ Golzari, S Kayhan, B Sabermarouf. World journal of surgery 38, 266-266. 2014.
20. Attenuation of bleomycin induced lung fibrosis by erdosteine and inhibition of the inducible nitric oxide synthase. A Guzel, S Kayhan, Ş Tutuncu, L Duran, H Alacam, M Gunaydin, C Torun, BRATISLAVA MEDICAL JOURNAL-BRATISLAVSKE LEKARSKE LISTY 116 (3). 2015.
21. Analysis of depression and anxiety levels in patients with dyspnea. S Kayhan, A Akpinar, N Murat Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine 4 (4), 281-285. 2013.
22. Inflammation and Metabolic Complications in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. S Kayhan, Y Bülbül. Güncel Göğüs Hastalıkları Serisi 2 (2), 170-177. 2014
23. Intralobar pulmonary sequestratıon as an unusual cause of recurrent hemoptysis. S Kayhan, B Çelik, U Belet, O Aydin. Journal of Clinical Imaging Science .2012. Tütün Fabrikası Çalışanlarında Sigara Kullanımı ve Solunum Semptomlarının Prevalansı. H Hamzaçebi, S Kayhan. Van Tıp Dergisi 19 (2), 72-77. 2012
24. Elevated pleural copeptin levels can distinguish to exudate from transudates. A Gümüş, H Çınarka, M Karataş, A Kırbaş, S Kayhan, Ü Şahin. Tuberkuloz ve toraks 62 (4), 267-272An evaluation of chronic dyspnea in a chest disease clinic. A Gumus, H Cinarka, S Kayhan, EM Durakoglugil, E Cure. J Pulm Respir Med 4 (173), 2. 2014.
25. The Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Blood Pressure and Hypertension. Advances in Bioscience and Clinical Medicine, 1 (1), 6–11. A Gumus, S Kayhan, H Cinarka, U Sahin. 2013
26. Sigara kullanımının plazma viskozitesi ve ilgili biyokimyasal parametreler üzerindeki etkileri. YA Yılmaz, AG Atıcı, S Kayhan, AT Sünter, S Türkeli. Solunum Dergisi 14 (3), 158-16. 2012.
27. Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromunda İnflamasyon ve Metabolik Komplikasyonlar. S KAYHAN, Y BÜLBÜL. Güncel göğüs hastalıkları serisi 2 (2), 170-177. 2014
28. Analysis of pleural amylase levels in a chest disease clinic. S Türkeli, A Atıcı, S Kayhan, Y Yılmaz. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 30 (4), 349-352. 2013.
29. Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalarının Perioperatif Değerlendirilmesi. S KAYHAN, H ÇINARKA, N KÖKSAL. 2013.
30. An unusual radiological presentation of a pulmonary hydatid cyst in a child. S Kayhan, U Sahin, H Turut, C Yurdakul. Journal of Clinical Imaging Science 3. 2013.
31. Demographic and clinical characteristics of tuberculosis: a report of 2404 cases at a referral hospital.. S Kayhan. 2012.
32. Delays in diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism: clinical outcomes and risk factors. S Kayhan, Ö İnce, M Ünsal, M Bakırcı, E Arslan. European Journal of General Medicine 9 (2), 124-129. 2012.
33. Primary resistance rates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains isolated from new tuberculosis cases: a 6-year observation. S Kayhan, A Akgüneş, H Tereci, Ü Tutar. African Journal of Microbiology Research 5 (16), 2304-2310. 2011.
34. A Rare Clinical Entity of Lung Cancer: Metastatic Peripheral Arterial Embolism. H Çınarka, S Kayhan, A Gümüş, A Kurt, H Türüt, G İlhan, R Bedir, Ü Şahin. Respiratory case reports 3 (2), 118-121. 2014.
35. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum: coexistence of shortness of breath and hoarseness.H Akdemir, B Turkoz, C Katı, L Duran, S Kayhan, F Caliskan. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND ANALYTICAL MEDICINE 4. 2013.
36. Efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with post-acute COVID-19.. AO Hantal, S Kayhan, SB Sagmen, M Soy. European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences 27 (5). 2023.
37. Role of red cell distribution width in assessing response to treatment and prognosis in community‑acquired pneumonia: A prospective study. H Çınarka, A Gümüş, S Özyurt, M Karataş, D Gıakoup, MC Cüre, .2019.
38. Diğer Pnömokonyozlar ve Metallere Bağlı Akciğer Hastalıkları. N KÖKSAL, S KAYHAN. 2019.
39. Lipoid Pneumonia for Two Cases. S Özyurt, M Karataş, A Gümüş, H Çınarka, A Ertürk, S Kayhan, U Şahin. Respiratory Case Reports 4 (3). 2015.
40. Six Minute Walk Distance in Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. A Gumus, S Kayhan, H Cinarka, A Yavuz, S Yuce. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND ANALYTICAL MEDICINE 6 (3). 2015.
41. Pneumonia and Pandemic Influenza A H1N1 Virus Infection: A Review of the Literature. S Kayhan, H Çınarka, A Gümüş, Ü Şahin. Advances in Bioscience and Clinical Medicine 2 (1), 3-14. 2014.
42. Astım ve tüberküloz hastalarının sosyodemografik özelliklerinin, depresyon ve anksiyete düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması. A Akpmar, S Kayhan. Medical Journal of Suleyman Demirel University 20 (3). 2013.
43. The Clinical Utility of Serum YKL-40 Levels in Community Acquired Pneumonia. H Cınarka, A Gumus, M Karatas, S Kayhan, A Kırbas, S Ozyurt, A Kurt, .2015.
44. Bronchial Brushing Increases the Diagnostic Yield of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy in Bronchogenic Carcinoma. R Bedir, S Kayhan, I Şehitoğlu, H Çınarka, A Gümüş, A Kurt, H Güçer, Advances in Bioscience and Clinical Medicine 2 (2), 19-23. 2014.
45. Hastane yatışı olan astım ve tüberküloz hastalarının sosyodemografik özelliklerinin, depresyon ve anksiyete düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. A Akpınar, S Kayhan. Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University 20 (3), 80-84. 2013.
46. Analysis of amylase rich pleural effusions. S Turkeli, A Atici, S Kayhan. European Respiratory Journal 42 (Suppl 57). 2013.
47. A Five Year Mortality Analysis in a Chest Disease Hospital Located in East Blacksea Region. H Çınarka, HK Yılmaz, Y Yazıcı, S Kayhan, A Gümüş. J Clin Anal Med. 2012.
48. Diagnostic value of mycobacteriophage based fast plaque technique for early detection of pulmonary tuberculosis. S Kayhan. J Clin Exp Invest 3 (2), 189-193. 2012.
49. Solitary plasmacytoma of the chest Wall. S Kayhan, MA Yılmaz. J Clin Anal Med, Published online: 27.05.2012., Doi:10.4328/JCAM.1076. 2012.
50. A case of bone aspiration mimicking asthma in an adult patient. S Kayhan, D Aydın, MY Selçuk, L Duran, HU Akdemir. J Clin Anal Med. Published online: 22.05.2012, Doi:10.4328/JCAM.1058. 2012.
51. Romatoid Artritte Akciğer Hastalıkları. N KÖKSAL, S KAYHAN, A GÜZEL. Turkiye Klinikleri Rheumatology-Special Topics 5 (2), 32-39. 2012
52. Treatment of Lung Abscess by Ultrasonography Guided Fine Needle Aspiration. A Gümüş, S Kayhan, H Çınarka, A Ertürk, A Yavuz, Ü Şahin. 2014. Yüksek plevral copeptin düzeyleri eksüdayı transüdadan ayırabilir. Tuberk Toraks 62 (4), 267-272. 2014.
53. Akciğer Adenokarsinomuna Bağlı İzole Bir Kas Metastazı. A Gümüş, S Kayhan, H Çınarka, İ Saygın, Ü Şahin. 2013.
54. An Isolated Skeletal Muscle Metastasis From Lung Adenocarcinoma. A Gümüş, S Kayhan, H Çınarka, İ Saygın, Ü Şahin. 2013.
55. Analysis of false positive positron emission tomography with 2-fluoro (18-F)-2-deoxy-D glucose as a tracer in patients with suspected lung cancer. S Kayhan, N Günal, H Tereci. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 6 (10), 731-736. 2012.
56. Mikobakteriyofaja dayalı hızlı plak yönteminin akciğer tüberkülozunu erken saptamadaki değeri. S Kayhan. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 3 (2), 189-193. 2012