1. Durhan, G., Ünverdi, H., Deveci, C., Büyükşireci, M., Karakaya, J., Değirmenci, T., ... & Ergün, Y. (2017). Placental elasticity and histopathological findings in normal and intra-uterine growth restriction pregnancies assessed with strain elastography in ex vivo placenta. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 43(1), 111-118.
2. Büyükşireci, D. E., Büyükşireci, M., & Komut, E. (2022). Evaluation of the effects of dexamethasone iontophoresis, galvanic current, and conservative treatment on pain and disability in patients with knee osteoarthritis and Baker’s cyst. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 68(4), 509.
3. Komut, E., Murat, M., Büyükşireci, M., Komut, S., & Kozaci, N. (2021). Relationship between internal carotid artery stenosis grade and optic nerve sheath diameter measured by transorbital ultrasonography. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 49(7), 724-730.
4. Keles, A., Karaman, S. K., Duzgun, A. C., Buyuksireci, M., & Bayraktaroglu, M. S. (2023). Association between lower extremity venous insufficiency and increased choroidal thickness. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 46(6), 615-621.
5. Eliaçık, S., & Büyükşireci, M. Asymptomatic COVID-19 and structural changes in the brain. Anatolian Current Medical Journal, 6(1), 59-64.
6. Buyuksireci, D. E., & Buyuksireci, M. (2021). Evaluation of kinesiophobia in patients with metabolic syndrome. Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Methods in Internal Medical Sciences-II, 31.
7. Büyükşireci, M., Kaçar, M., Büyükşireci, D. E., & Kazcı, Ö. (2023). Association Between Age, Gender, HbA1c Level, Fasting Plasma Glucose Level, and the Ultrasonographic Findings in Patients With Shoulder Tendinosis.
8. Büyükşireci, M., Büyükşireci, D. E., & Doğan, A. G. (2023). Evaluation of carotid intima-media thickness of female fibromyalgia patients and determination of their relationship with disease activity, severity of fibromyalgia, anxiety and depression levels. Anatolian Current Medical Journal, 5(1), 47-52.
9. Büyükşireci, M., DOĞAN, A. G., BÜYÜKŞİRECİ, D. E., & ÖZTEKİN, A. (2022). Evaluation of the measurement of tendon and ligament thicknesses and the presence of enthesitis in lower extremities in female patients with acne vulgaris: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medicine and Palliative Care, 3(4), 354-358.
10. Büyükşireci, D. E., Büyükşireci, M., & Kılınç, M. C. (2023). Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperosteosis with Parsonage–Turner Syndrome Appearance.
11. Eker Büyükşireci, D., Ertekin, E., & Büyükşireci, M. (2024). A rare case with atypical findings: schwannoma of the radial nerve. Journal of Orthopedics Research and Rehabilitation, 2(2), 42-44.
12. Büyükşireci, M., & BÜYÜKŞİRECİ, D. E. (2020). Vitamin D eksikliği olan bireylerde paratiroid bezlerinin ultrasonografik değerlendirilmesi ve paratiroid bezi boyutlarının anksiyete-depresyon ile ilişkisinin belirlenmesi. Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi, 53(Ek Sayı 1), 15-19.
13. SERÇE, A., KARACA UMAY, E., BÜYÜKŞİRECİ, M., & ÇAKCI, F. A. (2017). A Rare Cause of Leg Pain in a Housewife with a Sedentary Lifestyle: Shin Splints Syndrome: Case Report. Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Sciences, 20(3).