Mezun Olduğu Tıp Fakültesi ve Yılı
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 1993
Uzmanlık Eğitimi Aldığı Yer ve Yılı
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kbb Anabilim Dalı, 1999
Mesleki Deneyim
Adıyaman Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı, (Prof. Dr.), 2019 - 2024
Adıyaman Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi-Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dekanlığı, 2023 - 2024
Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı (Doç Dr), 2010 - 2019
Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı (Öğr. Üyesi Dr.), 2004 - 2010
Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı (Öğr. Gör. Dr), 2000 - 2004
Tıbbi İlgi Alanları
Rinoplasti Estetik ve Fonksiyonel Burun Cerrahileri
Fasiyal Estetik Cerrahisi Uygulamaları-Temporal lift, Kaş kaldırma, Yüz germe, Orta yüz germe, Kulak Estetiği (Otoplasti), Göz Kapağı Cerrahisi (Blefaroplasti)
Fonksiyonel Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahileri (Sinüzit Ameliyatları)
Endoskopik Kulak Cerrahileri
Koklear Implantasyon (Biyonik Kulak)
Timpanomastoidektomiler (Kulak Zarı Yerleştirme)
Stapes Cerrahileri (Kemikçik Kireçlenmesi)
Ses Teli İyi Huylu ve Kötü Huylu Tümör Cerrahileri
Baş Boyun Tümör Cerrahileri (Gırtlak Tümörleri, Sinüs Tümörleri, Oral Kavite Tümörleri, Tükürük Bezi Tümörleri)
Pediatrik Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi
Periferik Vertigo ve Rehabilitasyonu
Horlama ve Uyku Apnesi Cerrahisi
Hipofiz Cerrahisi
Endoskopik Kafa Tabanı Cerrahisi-BOS Rinore Onarımı,
Endoskopik Nazal Tümör Rezeksiyonu (navigasyon ile) gibi İleri Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi
Tiroid Cerrahisi
Özellikli İşlem
Temporal Lift
Orta Yüz Germe
Koklear İmplant
1: Koparal M, Kapici Y, Aslan S, Hepkarşı S, Karataş M, Yılmazer C Evaluation of Nasal Mucociliary Clearance as an Indicator of Nasal Function in Obsessive-Compulsive Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study. Indian Journal Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery2023 75(4):3263-3267.
2:Koparal M, Altuntaş EE, Yılmazer C, Altunışık E, Karataş M. Effects of the Lunar Cycle, Seasons and the Meteorological Factors on Peripheral Vertigo. Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Sep;60(3):149-154. doi: 10.4274/tao.2022.2022-6-12. Epub 2022 Nov 15. PMID: 36452240; PMCID: PMC9667692.
3: Karataş M, Koparal M, Yılmazer C, Kelles M. Correlations between objective and subjective tests of nasal patency in patients undergoing septoplasty. JLaryngol Otol. 2023 Apr;137(4):413-418. doi: 10.1017/S002221512200127X. Epub 2022 May 24. PMID: 35607263.
4: Koparal M, Yılmazer C. Evaluation of Postinfection Hearing with Audiological Tests in Patients with COVID-19: A Case-Control Study. J Am Acad Audiol. 2021 Jul;32(7):464-468. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1730960. Epub 2021 Nov 30. PMID: 34847586.
5: Eski E, Babakurban S, Yılmaz S, Yılmazer C, Erkan AN, Çaylaklı F, Yılmaz İ. Comparing the Efficiencies of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Intratympanic Steroid Treatment for Sudden Hearing Loss. J Int Adv Otol. 2020 Aug;16(2):263-265. doi: 10.5152/iao.2020.6634. PMID: 32784167; PMCID: PMC7419095.
6: Torer B, Cetinkaya B, Yılmaz S, Yilmazer C, Gulcan H. Upper Airway
Obstruction in a Newborn with Vallecular Cyst. J Neonatal Surg. 2015 Oct
1;4(4):45. PMID: 26500855; PMCID: PMC4617020.
7: Akdoğan MV, Hızal E, Yılmaz S, Yavuz H, Yılmazer C, Canpolat T, Yılmaz İ, Özlüoğlu LN. Pediatrik kolesteatomda cerrahi tedavi sonuçlarımız [Our surgical treatment results in pediatric cholesteatoma]. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2015;25(4):224-8. Turkish. doi: 10.5606/kbbihtisas.2015.98123. PMID: 26211863.
8: Yılmaz İ, Reyhan M, Canpolat T, Yılmazer C, Erkan AN, Yaşar M, Akdoğan V, Özlüoğlu LN. Positron emission tomography evaluation of sinonasal inverted papilloma and related conditions: a prospective clinical study. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2015;25(1):9-15. doi: 10.5606/kbbihtisas.2015.45212. PMID: 25934400.
9: Caylakli F, Hizal E, Yilmaz I, Yilmazer C. Correlation between adenoid-
nasopharynx ratio and endoscopic examination of adenoid hypertrophy: a blind, prospective clinical study. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2009
Nov;73(11):1532-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2009.07.018. Epub 2009 Sep 3. PMID: 19732970.
10: Caylakli F, Yavuz H, Yilmazer C, Yilmaz I, Ozluoglu LN. Effect of
preoperative hearing level on success of stapes surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009 Jul;141(1):12-5. doi: 10.1016/j.otohns.2009.02.023. Epub 2009 Mar 28. PMID: 19559951.
11: Aslan S, Yilmazer C, Yildirim T, Akkuzu B, Yilmaz I. Comparison of nasal region dimensions in bilateral choanal atresia patients and normal controls: a computed tomographic analysis with clinical implications. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2009 Feb;73(2):329-35. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2008.10.029. Epub 2008 Dec 19. PMID: 19101042.
12: Bozdogan N, Sener M, Yavuz H, Yilmazer C, Turkoz A, Arslan G.
Retropharyngeal submucosal dissection due to nasotracheal intubation. B-ENT. 2008;4(3):179-81. PMID: 18949966.
13: Erkan AN, Yilmazer C, Altan-Yaycioglu R, Akkuzu B, Aktaş L. Bicanalicular silicone tubes versus otologic T-tubes in endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy. B-ENT. 2008;4(3):135-9. PMID: 18949959.
14: Cagici CA, Yilmazer C, Hurcan C, Ozer C, Ozer F. Appropriate interslice gap for screening coronal paranasal sinus tomography for mucosal thickening. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2009 Apr;266(4):519-25. doi: 10.1007/s00405-008-0786-6. Epub 2008 Aug 8. PMID: 18688626.
15: Ozer F, Ozer C, Cagici CA, Canbolat T, Yilmazer C, Akkuzu B. Surgical
approaches for antrochoanal polyp: a comparative analysis. B-ENT.
2008;4(2):93-9. PMID: 18681205.
16: Yilmaz I, Caylakli F, Yilmazer C, Sener M, Ozluoglu LN. Correlation of
diagnostic systems with adenoidal tissue volume: a blind prospective study. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2008 Aug;72(8):1235-40. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2008.05.002. Epub 2008 Jun 24. PMID: 18572255.
17: Sener M, Yilmazer C, Yilmaz I, Bozdogan N, Ozer C, Donmez A, Arslan G. Efficacy of lornoxicam for acute postoperative pain relief after septoplasty: a comparison with diclofenac, ketoprofen, and dipyrone. J Clin Anesth. 2008 Mar;20(2):103-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinane.2007.09.009. PMID: 18410864.
18: Sener M, Yilmazer C, Yilmaz I, Caliskan E, Donmez A, Arslan G. Patient- controlled analgesia with lornoxicam vs. dipyrone for acute postoperative pain relief after septorhinoplasty: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2008 Mar;25(3):177-82. doi: 10.1017/S0265021507002827. Epub 2007 Oct 22. PMID: 17953792.
19: Erkan AN, Yilmazer C, Altan-Yaycioglu R. Otologic T-tube in endonasal
dacryocystorhinostomy: a new approach. Acta Otolaryngol. 2007
Dec;127(12):1316-20. doi: 10.1080/00016480701283745. PMID: 17851942.
20: Yilmazer C, Sener M, Yilmaz I, Erkan AN, Cagici CA, Donmez A, Arslan G, Ozluoglu LN. Pre-emptive analgesia for removal of nasal packing: A double-blind placebo controlled study. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2007 Dec;34(4):471-5. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2006.11.013. Epub 2007 Mar 6. PMID: 17337141.
21: Erkan AN, Hürcan C, Bal N, Yilmazer C, Ozlüoglu L. Parotid duct cyst: a case report. B-ENT. 2006;2(3):117-9. PMID: 17067080.
22: Yilmaz I, Yilmazer C, Yavuz H, Bal N, Ozluoglu LN. Giant sublingual
epidermoid cyst: a report of two cases. J Laryngol Otol. 2006 Mar;120(3):E19. doi: 10.1017/s0022215106009194. PMID: 16917995.
23: Caylakli F, Cagici AC, Yilmazer C, Ozer F, Ozluoglu L. Hyperaeration of the frontal sinus. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2006 Dec;33(4):471-3. doi:
10.1016/j.anl.2006.05.004. Epub 2006 Aug 9. PMID: 16904279.
24: Erkan AN, Tarhan E, Yilmazer C, Cağici A, Cakmak O. Endoskopik sinonazal tümör rezeksiyonu [Endoscopic removal of sinonasal tumors]. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2006;16(2):72-9. Turkish. PMID: 16763420.
25: Yilmaz I, Sener M, Yavuz H, Yilmazer C, Erkan AN, Cağici CA, Gencay S, Calişkan EE, Ozlüoğlu LN. Kulak burun boğaz kliniğinde ameliyat sonrası ağrı tedavisi [Postoperative pain management in clinics of otolaryngology]. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2006;16(1):1-6. Turkish. PMID: 16763407.
26: Yilmazer C, Sener M, Yilmaz I. Bilateral giant posterior laryngeal
granulomas with dyspnea: a rare complication of endotracheal intubation. Anesth Analg. 2005 Dec;101(6):1881-1882. doi: 10.1213/01.ANE.0000180257.22413.44. PMID: 16301280.
27: Yavuz H, Yilmazer C, Akkuzu B. Mandibula periferal osteomu: Olgu sunumu [Peripheral osteoma of the mandible: a case report]. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2004;13(3-4):87-90. Turkish. PMID: 16055989.
28: Erkan AN, Yilmazer C, Yilmaz I, Bolat FA. Nasoalveolar cysts: review of 3 cases. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2005;67(4):196-8. doi:
10.1159/000086664. Epub 2005 Jul 7. PMID: 16006791.
29: Yilmaz I, Yilmazer C, Erkan AN, Aslan SG, Ozluoglu LN. Intratympanic
dexamethasone injection effects on transient-evoked otoacoustic emission. Am J Otolaryngol. 2005 Mar-Apr;26(2):113-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2004.11.001. PMID: 15742264.
30: Cagici CA, Karabay G, Yilmazer C, Gencay S, Cakmak O. Electron microscopy findings in the nasal mucosa of a patient with stenosis of the nasal vestibule. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2005 Mar;69(3):399-405. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2004.09.010. Epub 2004 Dec 8. PMID: 15733601.
31: Erkan AN, Yavuz H, Yilmazer C, Ozlüoglu L, Bolat FA. Radiology quiz case 2. Diagnosis: parapharyngeal lipoma. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004 Aug;130(8):997; diag 999. doi: 10.1001/archotol.130.8.997. PMID: 15313875.
32: Gençay S, Yavuz H, Yilmazer C. Servikal osteofite bağlı disfaji: Olgu sunumu [Dysphagia due to a cervical osteophyte: a case report]. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2003 Jun;10(6):240-3. Turkish. PMID: 13679692.
33: Cakmak O, Ergin NT, Yilmazer C, Kayaselçuk F, Barutcu O. Endoscopic removal of esthesioneuroblastoma. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2002 Jul 9;64(3):233-8. doi: 10.1016/s0165-5876(02)00036-8. PMID: 12090952.
34: Sennaroglu L, Yilmazer C, Basaran F, Sennaroglu G, Gursel B. Relationship of vestibular aqueduct and inner ear pressure in Ménière's disease and the normal population. Laryngoscope. 2001 Sep;111(9):1625-30. doi: 10.1097/00005537-200109000-00025. PMID: 11568617.
35: Yilmazer C, Sennaroglu L, Basaran F, Sennaroglu G. Relationship of the cochlear aqueduct and inner ear pressure in Ménière's disease and in a normal population. Otol Neurotol. 2001 Jul;22(4):534-8. doi: 10.1097/00129492-200107000-00021. PMID: 11449113.